LAHORE: Provincial Caretaker Minister for Health Dr Javed Akram while underscoring the need for executive management skills for health professionals, has said that Pakistani doctors lack leadership skills, which is causing departmental inefficiency and other services delivery issues.
He was speaking as chief guest at a workshop on “Executive Management Skills for Healthcare Professionals” organized at a local hotel here on Tuesday by Sustainable Development Policy Institute
The minister said Pakistan is going to become the third most populous country in the world in next couple of decades which will improve its healthcare system and enhance executive management skills of the workforce for an effective service delivery.
Moazzam S Bhatti, SDPI’s Director for A & Campaigns, called for including executive leadership management course in curricula with particular focus on healthcare. He said that effective service delivery and realization of international commitments on SDGs is not possible without developing the leadership capacity of professionals. Stressing the need for creating awareness on changing global procedures and protocols in healthcare, he called for developing capacity of workforce from bottom to top tiers. He said a regular evaluation of professionals is imperative to match the international standards. He further said that SDPI is well-placed to offer intellectual input and capacity development support to public institutions at all levels and is committed to improving service delivery across the country.
SDPI Advisor Shahid Minhas said that the training on executive management skills has been organized to enable healthcare professionals to become compatible with today’s changing service delivery demands. He urged the government to extend more support to the healthcare sector so that the people concerned might develop such skills to match the high performance and international delivery standards.
The training was attended by Prof. Uzmi Ashiq, Dr A. Zafar Khan, Dr. Sabin Nasir, Dr Saman and a large number of doctors.