The Karachi Police has formed a Skating Force to patrol congested alleys, particularly narrow streets, to help fight rising criminal activity in various parts of Karachi. The new force will specifically target places a standard police vehicle cannot access.
Special Investigations Unit Commandant, Dr. Farrukh Ali Lanjhar, expressed hope that the new force will help reduce, possibly eradicate street crimes in the city. Apprising local news outlets of the new development, he added,
Foot patrolling is an extremely tedious job. Roller skates will give an edge to chase and apprehend [suspects].
He suggested that the team consists of 20 weapon-yielding men and women who have been extensively trained. All personnel and stationed officials have been notified, and roller skates will soon become a frequent tool for apprehending criminals in the city.
Relevant officials in different parts of the city have been directed to adopt this method to monitor narrow passageways and places, which are easily susceptible to a typical hit-and-run.