Eco-Journalists’ Exposure Visit to State-of-the-Art Waste Water Treatment Plants and Waste Recycle Plant

Islamabad: Institute of Urbanism (IoU) and Henrich Boell Stiftung (hbs) hosted a two-days exposure visit for members of Eco-Journalists Cohort. The visit aimed to provide the media professionals with an in-depth understanding of the advanced waste water treatment plants and waste recycle plant, as well as to highlight the importance of responsible waste management for a sustainable future. Visit was made to understand how mechanical and nature based solutions help in treating wastewater and making is usable for domestic use.

The visit of the Eco-Journalists provided them with an opportunity to witness the significance and impact of these projects. The visiting journalists hailed from various regions, including Karachi, Peshawar, Gilgit, Abbottabad, Lahore, and Islamabad, ensuring a diverse representation of media professionals. The sessions during visit were moderated by Dr. Ejaz Ahmad, Senior Program Fellow IoU and coordinated by Muhammad Kashif, Program Coordinator IoU.

Nature based Wastewater Treatment: On the first day, the journalists were given a comprehensive tour of World Wide Fund for Nature Pakistan’s (WWF-P) wastewater treatment facility in the form of a wetland , which showcased nature based solution to treat wastewater and use it for agricultural purpose. This facility is located near Khabeki Wetland in the district Khushab.

Wastewater is treated through plantation of different indigenous plant species in a hanging plateform in which the root system uptake pollutants and the treated water is safely discharged back into the environment.

Journalists witnessed the intricate network of natural filtration system, biological treatment methods, and advanced monitoring technologies employed to ensure the water quality.
The journalists had the opportunity to engage in informative discussions with WWF-P’s team of experts, including engineers, and waste management specialists.

The WWF-P Facility showcased the following projects:

Ground Water Recharge Well: Recognizing the significance of replenishing groundwater resources, the facility has established a state-of-the-art ground water recharge well. This project aims to restore the water table and mitigate the adverse effects of water scarcity in the region.

Rain Water Harvesting System: With the objective of maximizing the utilization of rainfall, the facility has implemented an innovative rainwater harvesting system. This system collects and stores rainwater, which can be used for various purposes such as irrigation, replenishing water bodies, and supporting ecological habitats.

Water Reuse System: Recognizing the potential of treated wastewater for non-potable applications, the WWF-P Facility has introduced an ablution water reuse system. This system efficiently treats wastewater to a quality suitable for uses such as toilet flushing, irrigation, and kitchen gardening.

Engineer Omer Bin Khalid of WWF-P, in his presentation, highlighted the importance of these projects in addressing the critical water-related challenges faced by local communities. He emphasized the need for collective action and awareness to achieve sustainable water management practices. The journalists expressed their appreciation for the innovative initiatives and commended WWF-P for its commitment to environmental conservation.

On the 2nd day of visit, Journalists visited state-of-the-art Sewerage Water Treatment Plant managed by a private housing society and innovative waste recycling solution managed by Trash Bee.

Sewerage Water Treatment plant was presented by Mr. Abdul Raoof Mirza and Mr. Ateequr Rahman, who provided comprehensive briefings on the initiatives.

Following the briefings, the journalists embarked on a site visit, where they witnessed the waste water treatment process firsthand. The plant has a capacity of 600,000 gallons per day out of which 150,000 to 200,000 gallons of water is used for watering plantation within their facilities. An innovative aspect of the wastewater treatment plant was the utilization of solid waste generated during the treatment process and converted into organic fertilizer.

Mr. Arsalan Aziz, CEO of Trash Bee, along with Mr. Arsalan Akram, Public Relations Officer, provided a comprehensive briefing on the waste recycling process. They highlighted the importance of waste management and showcased how Trash Bee receives different types of waste and converts them into useful materials.

During the visit, the journalists learned about the innovative methods employed by Trash Bee to sort, process, and convert waste into raw materials for various industrial units across the country. The journalists were impressed by the comprehensive approach taken by Trash Bee, ensuring that waste materials are repurposed effectively, thereby reducing the strain on natural resources and contributing to a more sustainable future.

The exposure visit provided the journalists with a comprehensive understanding of the waste water treatment and waste recycling processes. The journalists expressed their appreciation for the initiatives and vowed to raise awareness among the public about the importance of responsible waste management and the potential of recycling as a means to preserve our environment.

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