5 ATS Officials Who Killed Usama Satti Have Been Dismissed From Service

An innocent, 21-year-old boy was shot dead by Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) personnel in Islamabad for no reason. Five ATS men including a sub-inspector involved in the incident were arrested on January 2. They have now been sacked.

The deceased identified as Usama Satti was reportedly dropping his friend in the area of ​​Shams Colony. According to the reports, the ATS police personnel were on patrol when they tried to stop the vehicle of the slain Satti. However, when he did not stop, they shot him dead.

Source: Twitter

On the other hand, according to the police spokesperson, when the police tried to stop the “suspicious” vehicle with tinted windows, the driver did not stop the vehicle. In addition to this, the ATS personnel opened fire on the car in Sector G10 of Islamabad which resulted in the death of the youth.about:blank

Five policemen were arrested in the murder case and further investigations are underway. Taking note of the incident, IG Islamabad formed special teams.

As per the sources, a robbery call was made from Safe City to the Police Helpline in Sector H-13. The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) personnel tried to stop the car near Kashmir Highway G-10 signal on suspicion.

Subsequently, the personnel fired at random. Meanwhile, the police alleged that the driver of the car fired at them instead of stopping. However, no weapons were in the car.

Five ATS officials sacked

All five officials of ATS involved in the killing of the 21-year-old youth have been sacked. Moreover, two separate requests have been sent to the Interior Ministry and the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for the constitution of a judicial commission to probe the incident.

The dismissal orders were issued from the office of the senior superintendent of police (SSP) Islamabad, which is being looked after by Deputy Inspector General of Police (Operations) Waqaruddin Syed since 2019

It must be noted that Satti was a resident of Sector G-13 and a student whose father is a businessman. He was not a terrorist. Despite that, the poor slain was shot 22 times from the front. This murder is the worst example of policing. The uniforms of our ‘muhafiz’ are stained with the blood of the innocent

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