Procrastination: An Age-Old Challenge!

The act of delaying tasks—a tale that spans centuries. “Got plenty of time, I will do it later!” This habitual postponement of work is what we call procrastination. Studies suggest that every human being procrastinates when faced with a serious task. Despite encountering this challenge throughout my MBBS years, I struggled to free myself from its grip. Have you ever wondered why we procrastinate when it comes to serious tasks but not when mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook for hours on end?

Procrastination isn’t exclusive to our century; scholars and historians propose that even Ancient Egyptians were acquainted with it. Hieroglyphics provide evidence of procrastination in ancient Egyptian culture. Greek scholars also acknowledged this phenomenon, as seen in the famous Greek saying, “My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!”

While it’s clear that procrastination is a universal challenge, the question remains: why do we succumb to it despite knowing its detrimental effects? Several theories attempt to explain procrastination, such as the Temporal Motivation Theory, which posits that procrastination arises when motivation is low due to low-value outcomes or low expectations of success.

Another theory, the Emotion-Regulation Theory, suggests that procrastination occurs when individuals prioritize short-term mood over long-term goals, delaying aversive tasks to avoid negative emotions. Low confidence is also identified as a cause in some cases.

Moving from theories to solutions, how can one overcome the habit of procrastination? The answer is surprisingly simple!

Firstly, acknowledge that you are procrastinating and that the key to overcoming it lies within yourself. Follow a seven-step plan to avoid procrastination:

Clearly understand your priorities.
Uncover your motivation and inspiration.
Set achievable targets and goals.
Be realistic with your goals.
Identify and minimize distractions, like social media.
Take regular breaks to maintain focus.
If procrastination persists, reflect on its cause and address it.

Those aspiring to achieve greatness have a disciplined routine, avoiding cheap dopamine surges and striving for high goals. Discipline, smart work, and dedication form the recipe for success. Overcoming procrastination leads to astonishing results in both academic and personal endeavors.