National Day Reception held at the Pakistan House London

High Commissioner Moazzam Ahmad Khan hosted a National Day Reception at his official residence, the Pakistan House, last evening.

The Right Honourable Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon, Minister for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia & the UN represented the UK Government as the Chief Guest at the ceremony. The Right Honourable Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Leader of Labour Party and Shadow First Secretary of State; Chairman Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Raja Sikander Khan; British Parliamentarians; Diplomats; Senior Civil and Military Representatives; Mayors; Councillors; eminent members of the Pakistani community; and British friends of Pakistan were among the 400 guests at the ceremony.

In his address on the occasion, the High Commissioner shed light on the significance of the Pakistan Resolution for the Muslims of the sub-continent in achieving political awakening and self-determination. He paid glowing tribute to the visionary leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah for creating Pakistan.

Speaking about the challenges faced by Pakistan, the High Commissioner said that Covid-19 Pandemic, climate change induced flooding and ongoing conflict in Europe had taken a heavy toll on Pakistan’s economy. But he reassured the audience that as always, the Pakistani nation was determined to overcome these challenges. He added that despite the ups and downs and the many hardships, most of which were not of its own making, Pakistan remained a key emerging power and a core pillar of regional and global stability and security.

On this occasion, the High Commissioner paid tributes to the tremendous sacrifices being rendered by the people of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He urged the international community to shun discriminatory approach towards Kashmiri people and protect their human rights.