By: Ume Habiba
Lumpy Skin Disease is a viral disease that primarily affects cattle. It is caused by the lumpy skin disease virus, a member of the Capripoxvirus genus. This disease is characterized by the formation of nodules or lumps on the skin, internal organs, and mucous membrane. The causes of this disease include direct contact, mechanical vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks, contaminated objects, and aerosol transmission. Examples of mechanical vectors are mosquitoes and ticks.
The transmission of this disease occurs through direct contact with infected animals or blood-feeding insects such as ticks and mosquitoes. Cattle are the primary hosts, but other ruminants such as buffaloes can also be infected. The disease is generally not transmissible to humans. The course of the disease can last several weeks, and recovery is generally slow. The healing process of the skin lesions often results in scarring.
Signs and symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, the development of skin lumps, and edema. The diagnosis of this disease involves laboratory tests and lesion examination. Clinical manifestations include fever, reduced milk production, generalized weakness, and skin nodules. This disease has a wide impact on the livestock industry. It can result in economic losses for livestock farmers due to a decrease in milk and meat production and trade disruptions.
Also, it has a great impact on long-term productivity issues. Lumpy skin disease is found in various regions, and its distribution can be influenced by factors such as climate, the presence of suitable vectors, and animal movement patterns. This disease globally distributes into Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. In Africa, this disease is endemic. In the Middle East, it is a pandemic. Prevention and control of this disease involve vaccination, vector control, quarantine measures, early detection, education and outreach, research, and development.