In an ever-evolving environment, the importance of getting a university degree has changed. The development, once heralded as promising prospect of quality jobs, is now under the siege. Graduates are chasing blind degrees, making the idea “education is the key to success” obsolete. Despite concerted efforts, getting satisfactory employment remains an arduous task, as meagre wages are insufficient in the face of inflation surge and consequently, students turn to online portals for lucrative earning in foreign currencies. Even esteemed professionals such as doctors and PhD scholars are fervently seeking prospects abroad, tapping into the fiercely competitive job market.
“The Plague of unemployment is taking a grip on graduates, and it appears that the importance of education is gradually diminishing.”
Pakistan is currently witnessing a distressing surge in the number of university graduates grappling with the daunting task of securing gainful employment in their respective fields. This escalating predicament has ignited a nationwide discourse regarding the efficacy and pertinence of higher education, as well as the burgeoning realm of online work opportunities. The inundation of seemingly futile degrees flooding the market has left aspiring young professionals pondering the worthiness of their hard-еarnеd education and has made the parents anxious about the output of the investment they had spent on their children, and consequently, it has become the significant cause of depression among youth.
Is financial stability linked to education?
The educational institutions in Pakistan, both public and private, persist in churning out a staggering number of graduates annually. However, the country’s job market is woefully ill-еquippеd to absorb this deluge of degree holders, thereby precipitating a disheartening conundrum for unemployed adults. While some contend that the blame lies squarely on the quality of degrees being conferred, others assert that the deficiencies lie within the job market itself.
“Degrees are being granted like hot cakes without considering the skills of students.”
Unemployment in Pakistan can be attributed to several underlying factors. The key factor is the prioritization of the quantity of students enrolled in universities over the quality of education given to them, causing an imbalance of supply and demand in job markets. Additionally, the practice of selecting low merit students through corruption, nepotism, favouritism or any unethical method can undermine opportunities for deserving candidates. The country’s rapidly growing population exacerbates the issue further, as there are too many graduates every year, struggling for a limited number of jobs.
Furthermore, the educational environment, especially in government institutions, is characterized by an over-emphasis on theoretical instruction coupled with out-of-date courses and rote learning methods rather than encouraging the acquisition of practical skills that consequently comes to pass that graduates often lack the industry-specific skills and hands-on experience that employers require. This mismatch between education offerings and job requirements contributes to the unfortunate phenomenon of graduates falling behind in the race in education as well as in the job sector.
Moreover, the pervasive economic stagnation and systemic political corruption engender the misallocation of funds earmarked for education, diverting them towards personal agendas. Consequently, students are left bereft of adequate educational resources.
Furthermore, poor infrastructure, insufficient funding and resources in universities stifle innovation and hinder research efforts, creating challenges for graduates.
Redesigning educational structure is the most important step to match it with the requirements of job markets. Universities must prioritize market-oriented and innovative curricula, equip students with practical skills and encourage entrepreneurial thinking.Collaboration among academia and industry can make internships, apprenticeships and mentoring programs extra available, presenting students with helpful research reports alongside their educational studies.
Career counseling and placement needs to be strengthened to bridge the gap between graduates and the job market. Students must know their interests and the scope of the fields they are considering. In addition to educational reform, vocational and technical training programs must be established for individuals who prefer to pursue practical courses rather than traditional education. With accessible and affordable training in areas such as fashion designing, IT and healthcare, graduates can acquire the specific skills required in the local job market. This diversification can help reduce unemployment and create a more balanced workforce.
In addition, through financial and legal support by the government, entrepreneurship should be actively promoted to create an enabling environment for start-ups and small businesses, such as simplified business registration, tax incentives and access to capital, so that young graduates would be encouraged to come towards self-employment. This transition to entrepreneurship not only creates their own employment opportunities but also contributes to opportunities for others.
In conclusion, a multipronged approach is needed to tackle unemployment in Pakistan.Combating the termite of corruption in educational institutions and job markets necessitates an unwavering resolve, rather it is impossible if the politicians don’t get out of their personal interests and grudges. But by adopting these policies, an empowering environment can be created tosomewhat equip the students with pertinent skills to enable them to be productive, and ultimately pave the way for a thriving workforce and a prosperous society.