NEPRA Approves FCA of Rs. 9.90 for June 2022

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has approved the Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) of Rs. 9.90 per unit for the month of June.

As announced in a notification, the new rates will apply to all the Ex-Water and Power Development Authority distribution companies (XWDISCOs).

The increase in fuel adjustment charges was proposed by the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA-G) for which the authority held a public hearing on 28 July.

An FCA of Rs. 7.91 per unit was imposed on consumers only for May 2022. With the current announcement of Rs. 9.90 per unit, the FCA has been increased by Rs. 1.99 per unit.

The notification detailed that the newly-approved FCA will be included in the August bills but the consumers who are in the Lifeline category will not be obligated to pay the additional amount.

The FCA will also not be applied to K-Electric consumers.