ISLAMABAD: The NAB Rawalpindi has arrested an accused, Adam Ameen Chaudhry, in case of All Pakistan Projects scam, in which hundreds of people have been deprived of their earnings. The accused in connivance with another accused person deceived people at large by depriving them of millions of rupees in the garb of so called, ‘All Pakistan Projects Business’ scam. The NAB Rawalpindi has initiated inquiries against two companies, including All Pakistan Projects and B4U. Prima facie both companies were running their businesses illegally and had no legal licensing to seek deposits from general public. Their activities are prohibited and restricted as per prevailing laws of the country. It is advisable to general public that to safeguard their earnings and refrain to invest in fraudulent investment schemes i.e. All Pakistan Projects and B4U as these companies are promising hefty profits and unrealistic incentives. The said companies through its shell companies have illegally been inviting people to invest in different investment plans. The only purposes of the said companies are prima facie creating a ponzi scheme/network marketing by plundering people. Therefore, the people are warned to be cautious in their own interests and not to get trapped from such fraudulent investment schemes.