Founder Chairman JKSDMI meets SAPM Mushaal, Mushaal urges world to resolve Kashmir dispute as per UN resolutions

ISLAMABAD: Founder Chairman of the Jammu Kashmir Self Determination Movement International (JKSDMI), Raja Najabat Hussain (Sitara e Pakistan), called on Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, here on Thursday. The Chairman of the Youth Association of Pakistan, Abdul Qadir, was also present.

Raja Najabat Hussain congratulated her on her appointment as SAPM on HR and Women Empowerment. During the meeting, they discussed the rising Indian forces’ brutalities in the occupied valley, as the scenic valley was turned into a garrison city. They stressed the need for accelerating the JKSDMI Kashmir Campaign at the international level to ensure the earliest release of incarcerated JKLF leader Mohammad Yaseen Malik and other Kashmiri prisoners in Indian jails.

In the meeting, she said that the fascist Narendra Modi crossed all limits of barbarity and terrorism to silence the dissenting voices in occupied Kashmir; however, the occupation authorities miserably failed in defusing the flames of the freedom movement. Mushaal stated that the Indian forces put senior Hurriyat leaders, including her husband, in unlawful detentions for their crimes in raising their voice against Indian illegal occupation. The SAPM made it clear that the occupation forces had been using fascist tactics for the last over seventy years, but they did not yield any fruits; rather, these repressive actions proved counterproductive.

Mushaal urged that the world powers and the UN bodies should take notice of the rising state terrorism and press India to ensure the resolution of the long-standing Kashmir dispute as per the UN agreed formula and the aspirations of the people of the valley.

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