By: Hamad Ullah
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has long been a powerful opponent in Pakistan’s complicated and tumultuous terrorism scene. But a closer look at their leadership finds a collection of people who are defined by deceit, fear, opportunism, and cunning, which has serious repercussions for the innocent civilians and foot soldiers they prey on.
While publicly endorsing a purportedly holy cause, TTP officials noticeably refrain from commanding its members from the front lines. Rather, they live in luxury in Afghanistan, leaving their foot soldiers to suffer the most in an unnecessary war in Pakistan. Afghanistan serves as a haven for liars such as MNW, MangalBagh, Muhammad Khorasani, and Faqeer Muhammad, demonstrating their deceitfulness.
Far from the brutal realities their fighters endure in Pakistan, TTP commanders live luxurious and secure lives in Afghanistan. Their recent attempts at making amends with the Pakistani government highlight their opportunism. Their sly character is shown as they take advantage of the reconciliation process to increase their power in Pakistan while pretending to be for peace.
The cowardice of TTP commanders is evident in their refusal to enter Pakistan to lead the alleged “Jehad.” This point is further supported by the recent targeted deaths of these leaders.
Targeting and luring poor Afghan citizens for what they call “Jehad” in Afghanistan is part of their devious and manipulative tactics, which flagrantly flout the SHU fatwa. By doing this, they accomplish two evil objectives: they incite conflict between the Afghan government (IAG) and Pakistan for their own evil intentions, and they recruit fighters from Afghanistan to commit terrorist actions in Pakistan.
Leaders of the TTP view their mercenaries as expendable resources. The murders of other leaders motivated by avarice and power are clear examples of this. The internal TTP conflict over authority and influence has the potential to turn violent.
While innocent people are frequently persuaded to carry out suicide strikes, TTP officials and their families are kept off the front lines. These politicians become puppets thanks to foreign financial support, killing their Muslim compatriots in the name of profit and foreign agendas. Their decline into savagery is highlighted by this heinous betrayal of moral, ethical, and religious principles.
The Mehsud tribe makes up the majority of the TTP; they prioritize their own tribal interests over the well-being of other clans and subgroups. The people of Pakistan are aware of their use of intimidation, fear mongering, compulsion, and religious manipulation to exploit innocent people. They understand the “Fasadi Agenda” and the self-serving motivations of the TTP.
Pakistan will be free of the terrorism scourge thanks to the people’s support and the hard work of the country’s law enforcement institutions.
Afghan citizens and the Afghan government (IAG) need to understand the TTP’s evil plans, since they use Pashtunwali, religion, and ethnicity as tools. Afghan refugees in Pakistan ought to be on the lookout for TTP propaganda and never forget the Pakistani people’s unwavering kindness toward them over the past forty years.
To counter the TTP’s harmful plans, cooperation, alertness, and shared understanding are crucial in the face of their dishonesty and exploitation. Cooperation between Pakistan and its foreign neighbors is necessary to guarantee the region’s long-term security and stability.
About Author: Hamad Ullah is a distinguished political scientist and recipient of a Gold Medal from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan.