The Royal family is making considerable efforts to ensure Meghan and Prince Harry’s satisfaction and happiness

A close associate of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, royal family allies have stepped forward to dispute the claims, asserting that they have been “walking on eggshells” since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s engagement to “keep them happy.”

Scobie, known for his proximity to the Sussexes, made a series of controversial statements about the royal family in his upcoming book “Endgame.”

However, royal insiders are pushing back, describing Scobie’s stories as “fabricated” and accusing him of peddling “conspiracy theories dressed up as fact.”

Expressing their discontent, one insider told Express UK, “It’s one thing writing a critique of the royal family. That’s freedom of expression. But it’s another thing to peddle conspiracy theories dressed up as fact.”

In response to the criticism, Scobie took to X (formerly Twitter), expressing his lack of surprise at the backlash. He defended his work, stating, “Hardly a surprise that the twisting of facts and misquoting going on right now has reached new levels of desperation. Looking forward to people being able to read the book for themselves on Tuesday — and hearing my actual voice set some nonsense straight in interviews this week.”

Scobie’s book “Endgame” is set to hit shelves today, promising insights into the future of the monarchy and the future king. The controversy surrounding his claims and the subsequent backlash from royal family allies adds a layer of complexity to the ongoing narrative surrounding the relationship dynamics within the royal household.

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