If there is courage, even a small country can teach a big country a lesson

Qatar is a very small but very rich and important country in the Islamic world. This country has made great progress in a very short period of time. Last year, the world was stunned by the grandeur and planning of the football world cup. Thus, the whole world produces gas, petrol and other oils from crude oil, but Qatar is the only country that produces petrol and other oils from gas. This technology is called GTO which means gas to oil. Qatar being a small country in area, but it has a very important position in the Islamic world. That is why it is a problem in the eyes of the West and India. When the Afghan Taliban was not giving a place to have a foothold, it gave the Taliban a foothold. By creating a central office. The head of the Palestine Hamas Freedom Movement also lives in Qatar.

India Israel Radar Agreement:

India has signed an agreement with Israel for radars worth one billion ten crores. Under this agreement, Israel will supply three early warning radars to India. This radar system developed by Israel can be installed on Russian warships. According to the spokesman of the Indian Ministry of Defense, Israel will first buy this ship from Uzbekistan to install it on Russian ships. In which the new engines will be installed in Russia, while the process of installation of Falcon radars has been completed in Israel. Apart from this, an agreement was also reached on intelligence partnership. Intelligence sharing is also included in the defense agreements between India and the United States. Israel does not have diplomatic relations with the Gulf states except Bahrain and Emirates. Therefore, Israel convinced India to spy on the military installations of the Gulf states. Indian citizens in all the Gulf states working in every field. Last year, eight Indian naval officers were caught red-handed while spying for Israel in Qatar. Qatar is buying advance submarine from Italy. These eight Indian spy’s were planted in a private defense firm. The case was trial in court and the Qatari court sentenced them to death. Qatar thought a lot, otherwise if so many spies were caught in a European country, they would have severed diplomatic relations along with punishments.
Qatar and other gulf countries should deport Indians working on sensitive installations in gulf countries. If not, re-scrutinize all Indians to avoid such nefarious espionage networks.

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